Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Baby Jan 2009
Daniel is ALL over the place! I wish he would just take cars, sit down and play for a while. He climbs ALL over the place! We have to leave all the chairs down, and recently I had to lay the END TABLE down, so our house looks pretty funny right now! When we ask him questions and he doesn't want what we're offering, he shakes his head NO! It gets hard at times but his smile often pulls my spirit up. He is so testy! He runs away at diaper changing time, and runs pretty fast for a 17 month old. This copy cat stage is so adorable and his dancing often turns into spinning around and around. He knows some sign language and tries to make up new sign language words that we don't understand. When he asks for something and we guess right, his yes is usually a giggle (I'm trying to teach him to sign yes but it isn't catching on yet). He LOVES books, especially the thick ones with no pictures. He uses his thumb to flip through the pages. I can't think of anything else right now, he's distracting me! So that's all for now.
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Awww, what a cutie! Yay, more blog posts, please! :)
FINALLY GLORIA! Man we have been waiting and waiting...patiently...I might add. Not complaining ONE bit!
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