On Friday Simon brought a couple of chicks home. Simon and his students watched one of them hatch earlier in the week. The boys LOVED them! Micah couldn't keep his hands off of them and Scott was so excited and scared at the same time. Scott touched one and flinched, then while he was sitting on the counter watching them, he got excited and shook the box! We had to tell him not to squeeze them or yell into the box. He prounounced "chicks" a few different ways. First it was "dicks," then "kicks," now "gix." Scott is getting pretty good at pronouncing big words. Yesterday he said "watermelon," "wa-la-mleow-mleow" (like meow just add the l). It made me laugh and wanna' squeeze him!
While I was leaning on the counter watching the chicks, I heard Scott just talking away to himself, his voice a bit muffled. I looked down and he was in a shallow box. I wish I understood what he was saying.
One morning Micah woke up and said, "Mom, what's wrong with my eyes?" I said he had eye boogers and he said, "NO, they're not boogers! It's ear wax, silly!" Sometimes he's just not satisfied with my answers. What can I say? The things he says make me and Simon smile and giggle.
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