Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happening with Baby

Would you believe that Daniel likes to sit and read during his leisure time? Well, here he is! He can read novels UPSIDE DOWN! Yup, this is what he does when he's hanging out with Grama (while grama knits).

Look who likes to help Grama make socks and hats!

Not a kiss, not a bite, just a raspberry!

People can't call him, her anymore! I never saw that he looked like a she, but I've made that mistake with other babies before.
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Hoola Boy!

Scott is quite good with the hoola hoop! He swings that hoop longer than me, Simon, Micah, Uppi, Grama and Susan put together...maybe longer! We watched and tried to learn how to swing like him, but we just couldn't do it. Micah is pretty good too but not as good as Scott. Now I need hoops for his arms, neck and legs. With all the hoops going he'll then learn to balance on Micah's hands, who will be standing on his dad's hands, with Daniel balancing on his own head juggling torches! WOW HUH!

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I walked into the living room and had to stop to find the camera as Scottie was putting a ball on his napping dad's ear and a stuffed shark on his temple. I put the camera away and checked on baby, then walked back out into the living room and saw Scott trying to put the ball on his own ear and the shark on his own head.

One day Daniel was whining and I remembered emptying a plastic tote. I put the baby in it and pushed him around and Scott took over. They had a lot of fun.

I don't remember the story on why Scott had swimming goggles on while Grama was reading to him. I wish I could remember!
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